▶ Mad Max: Autorama
▶ Madden NFL 06
▶ Madden NFL 19
▶ Maniac Mansion
▶ Marathon
▶ Marathon 2: Durandal
▶ Mario Paint
▶ Marvel Snap
▶ The Matrix: Path of Neo
▶ The Matrix Online
▶ Max Payne 3
▶ Maze
▶ Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
▶ Mega Man 3
▶ Metal Gear Solid
▶ Metal Torrent
▶ Metroid
▶ Metroid II: Return of Samus
▶ Metroid: Other M
▶ Microsoft Excel
▶ Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
▶ Minesweeper
▶ MLB The Show 23
▶ MLB The Show 24
▶ Monster Hunter
▶ Mortal Kombat (1992)
▶ Mortal Kombat: Deception
▶ Ms. Pac-Man
▶ Myst
▶ Narc
▶ NBA Elite 11
▶ NBA Jam (1993)
▶ New International Track & Field
▶ New Super Mario Bros. Wii
▶ NHLPA Hockey ’93
▶ Night Trap
▶ Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
▶ The Oregon Trail
▶ Pac-Man
▶ Pandora’s Box
▶ Panzer Dragoon
▶ Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
▶ Panzer Dragoon Saga
▶ Papers Please
▶ Peggle
▶ Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors [Desert Bus]
▶ Pentiment
▶ Perfect Dark
▶ Phalanx
▶ PocketBike Racer
▶ Pokemon Crystal
▶ Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
▶ Pong
▶ Power Glove
▶ Power-Up Baseball
▶ Prince of Persia (1989)
▶ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
▶ Project Copernicus [Amalur MMO]
▶ Project Gotham Racing 2
▶ Puzzmo
▶ Quake
▶ Red Dead Redemption
▶ Red Dead Redemption 2
▶ Red Faction
▶ Red Faction: Guerrilla
▶ Resident Evil (1996)
▶ Ring Fit Adventure
▶ Riven: The Sequel to Myst
▶ Robotron 2084
▶ Rock Band 4
▶ RollerCoaster Tycoon
▶ Secret of Mana
▶ Sewer Shark
▶ Shadow Complex
▶ Shadow of the Colossus
▶ Silent Hill
▶ SimCity (1989)
▶ SimCity (2013)
▶ SimCity 2000
▶ SimCopter
▶ The Simpsons: Hit & Run
▶ The Simpsons: Hit & Run 2
▶ The Simpsons: Road Rage
▶ The Simpsons Wrestling
▶ The Sims
▶ The Sims 2
▶ The Sims 4
▶ The Sims Online
▶ Six Days in Fallujah
▶ Skull and Bones
▶ Sneak King
▶ Sonic Mania
▶ The Sopranos: Road To Respect
▶ Space Invaders
▶ Spacewar!
▶ Spec Ops: The Line
▶ Spider-Man (1982)
▶ Splatterhouse (2010)
▶ Star Wars 1313
▶ Star Wars Galaxies
▶ Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)
▶ Star Wars: Battlefront III
▶ Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
▶ Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
▶ Star Wars: The Old Republic
▶ StarCraft
▶ Street Fighter II
▶ Super Hexagon
▶ Super Mario Bros.
▶ Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
▶ Super Mario Bros. 2
▶ Super Mario Bros. 3
▶ Super Mario World
▶ Super Metroid
▶ Superman Returns
▶ Superman: Blue Steel
▶ Teardown
▶ Tennis For Two
▶ Tetris
▶ Tetris Forever
▶ Thief: The Dark Project
▶ The Thing
▶ Titan
▶ Tomb Raider (1996)
▶ Tunic
▶ Turok: Evolution
▶ Typeshift
▶ Typing of the Dead: Overkill
▶ Uniracers [Unirally]
▶ Unpacking
▶ Vagrant Story
▶ Vampire Survivors
▶ Wii Sports
▶ Wordiply
▶ Wordle